Hi there! Welcome to my webpage! I’m a freelance writer and artist located in New Hampshire. I’ve been entertaining clients with my insightful writing and art for a few years now after a brief depressive episode that I like to call my mid-life crisis. Basically, I was turning 40 and realizing that I wasn’t doing what I always knew I was meant to do. Write and create. Now, I bear the wonderful stress of being a starving artist and I do it with enthusiasm! I bring wit and humor to any project! When I am interested in a topic, whether it’s a new art style, writing technique, or understanding the inner workings of my seven year old strong-willed child, I do extensive research until I’ve mastered it and then I beat the hell out of it and re-create it into a learning experience. If you’ve experienced the strain of single parenting, I’m here for you! If you need artwork done on a project, I’m here for you! If you need a shoulder to cry on, I’m here for you on that too. What the hell, right?